Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Another bomb goes off!!!!

I have become so used to reading these news pieces about bomb blasts,that they  grab the least attention from me nowadays.So when I came across the report of Delhi High Court bomb blast ,I didnt pay much attention at the very first time.Whats so new about a bomb blast after all?
Morever,see, hardly 10 people are dead .So,its just a minor bomb blast.And the central government shouldnt pay much attention to it,in my opinion.Come on,why bother a government that is already troubled with a  human bomb called Anna Hazare??? article says that this is the 19th terrorist strike in the capital in15 years but neither the present Government nor its predecessors have done anything to improve our internal security .I say,this is absolutely wrong .After each and every bomb blast there is a very long discussion among the ministers of the cabinet.The PM,the defence minister ,Home Minister and others, may be even alternate energy resources Minister issue condolence messages to the family of the victims and say that terrorism is the greatest threat to India.There are arguments and counterarguments in the parliament and the media.Isnt this enough ?What more do you expect in India??Do you want to pass them stringent laws and bills like USA??Do you want to disrupt the democratic framework of the country??
It has become a custom to blame the government for everything wrong.For the last few weeks everybody ,from Baba Ramdev to Anna,has been blaming the Government for corruption and now it would be blamed for the terrorist attack.This isnt fair,,no not at all.You should look into the fact that,the Indian government has human members(I have no idea about the governments of other countries .may be they are superhumans there!!) and as the age old adage goes 'to err is human'.And if the government errs for just five years of its term ,then what crime has it commited?what is wrong if they swallow just a few crores of public money in scams?and whats really wrong if some explosions occur now and then and a few people die??
We should never forget that India is the largest democracy in the world.Even though people take money to vote and pay money to get voted.We are one of the most religiously diverse country in the world,even though now and then we have some hindu-muslim and hindu-christian etc.riots and a few innocent people get killed and few women get raped ,now and then.We should never forget that we are the ones who patronize parties that support political candidates with a very good criminal background.We shouldn't even forget that we are the citizens of the country whose half population is busy watching IPL ,while the other half sleeps with its stomach empty.We should never forget that we indeed are the nation,that speaks of equality and is not ready to either do away with the reservation system nor ready to wipe off the feeling of caste differences from its mind.
May be some day we would realise that we always reap what we sow.I dont really need to write here what we have sown from many decades and what we are reaping now!!!

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